Import Transactions

Pekco currently supports the following methods for importing transactions:

  • Template

  • Alipay

  • WeChat

How to Import Using the Template

  • If you have not downloaded the template file, please click to download the template.

  • Select the transaction data file.

  • Choose the import source.

  • Click Analyze -> Import

For example:

Important Tips

  1. Do not modify the document structure, such as changing field names or adding columns.

  2. For each transaction, the required fields are date, type, category, and amount. Otherwise, the transaction will be skipped.

  3. For the 'type' field, the optional values are Expense, Income, and Transfer.

  4. For the fields 'account,' 'transfer from account,' and 'transfer to account,' priority will be given to matching accounts with the same name in Pekco. If there are no matching accounts, the transaction will be set as without an account. In case of multiple accounts with the same name, the account will be set to the most recent one.

  5. For the 'category' field, priority will be given to matching categories with the same name in Pekco. If there are no matching categories, a new one will be automatically created.

  6. Please follow the time format in the template for date information; otherwise, parsing will fail.

Common Questions Parsing Failure

  • The reason for parsing failure is very likely that the file is not encoded in UTF-8 format. The solution is to open the file with Excel and save it directly.

Last updated